Loving Leaders

A Group Coaching Program

If you're ready to master conflict resolution, feel deep connection, peace & authenticity in your relationships, and heal your relationship with yourself, then Loving Leaders is for you.

Fall 2023 Waitlist!

Why join the waitlist?

  • Be the first to know when enrollment opens to secure your spot (the group has limited spots)
  • Get access to early bird pricing ($500 off)


The live coaching session dates & times, the breakdown of exactly what's included, and the investment options to join Loving Leaders will be published closer to the start date. 

Fill in your information below in order to join the waitlist

What does the program look like?

Loving Leaders is a 4-month group coaching program that teaches you how to master conflict resolution, lead your relationship(s) back to love, and heal your relationship with yourself.


This program is a good fit if you are:

1. In a romantic relationship and want to transform the way you resolve conflict

2. Single and want to have your next relationship go differently than previous ones

3. Wanting to improve all types of relationships in your life (e.g. family, kids, friends, coworkers, etc.)

...And you want to develop a genuinely kind and compassionate relationship with yourself in the process

More information coming this summer to those on the waitlist!